SANTO SUNSET Environment Network
An Indigenous led Network of community Environmental Champions, working together for the protection of biodiversity, sustainable development, customary governance, gender justice and climate/disaster resilience
within the Santo Mountain Chain Key Biodiversity Area
of the Western Coastline of the Island of Espiritu Santo
in the Republic of Vanuatu

Mr. Allan Taman, Chairman- Santo Sunset Environment Network Tel: 7743634
Mr. Richard Rojo, Vice Chair- Santo Sunset Environment Network Tel: 7676275
Mr. Charlie Vula, Coordinator North West- Santo Sunset Tel: 7358068
Mr. Benua Jamu, Coordinator West- Santo Sunset Network Tel: 7374349
Mr. Vatu Molisa, IUCN Project Liaison Officer Tel: 7778664
Located in the Santo Mountain Chain Biodiversity Hotspot